Facebook Diaries (November)
If you ever go through a dark period of uncertainty after a successful period of productivity and your alone crying for someone to listen... Don't expect your old friends to come and help... Expect a long line of psychos who want to infiltrate your life who want to go crazy and party like a bunch of rock stars..
I think being an artist sometimes can be embarrassing when you have people expect too much of you, and you can't deliver, and act too sensitive about how you feel... It's like your teaching them about how to care over their own voracious selfish needs for attention...
Don't tell me I'm selfish when I'm on my knees emotionally bankrupt, and in tears... Begging for the hurt to stop...
One of the reasons I don't do a lot of video work is because I don't feel the need to show off on the internet. Probably because I get too much attention in real life, and I like keeping it sacred... Every once in a while I'll do a promo, or a video, hopefully leaving me out of the picture... That and I need to work on my life rather than sit around and be creative...
I'm feeling very hateful today because once again I'm plunged into a world I didn't want to be in...
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