Facebook Diaries (6/17/2024) Being Bitter / Pride Fest / Sex on Facebook / Child Abuse / Spiritual visions

They say no matter what happens, do not be bitter... But if you decide to be bitter... Be bitter like a coffee bean, brocoli rabe, or a shriveled olive... At least you'll be appetizing...

They're having a Pride Festival at the end of the month at the Elmwood Zoo in Norristown... and I'm thinking wow isn't that dangerous during an anti-gay campaign in politics... and it takes place in the Ghetto... 
If you go wear a bullet proof vest and carry an AK Center-fire or a Glock... I'll be home looking at Hot women with tattoos...

I think Sex has taken over Facebook completely... It's a fucking Brothel of Sex Workers, sex abuse victims, solicitors, and sleazeballs... I'm sorry to say... Sex is great but it always ruins everything, including healthy pursuits....

My relationship with Sex is double edged because at my age I should be in a healthy relationship or family, not destroying myself through decadence and hedonism... After Facebook sells sex on their feeds, I'm slowly going backwards to the decadent 90's...

You know what, as a toddler I used to wake up with bloody noses... I never thought that much of them... But now that I was thinking about it... I don't remember much of my pre teen years... They were full of black outs blotted moments...

The truth is so called gay people were child abuse victims set up for disposal.... They want the community to think they're gay so they can destroy them before the truth comes out...

Also it seems the surgence of sex on the internet is caused by young goth girls who objectify themselves sexually for work or money, but they are oblivious to why??? I think they probably were all forced into sex too early...

I've had many religious visions... Sometimes visions evolve as your spiritual journey progresses... I could tell you stories, but remember something's should be held sacred, sometimes secretive... But these visions were given to you as a special gift, with meaning and purpose...

There isn't just one recipe for success,
but there definitely is one for failure... I love the times when I finally come back to myself and realize that I'm just as insignificant as a mindless bowl of oatmeal, and in the general scheme of things I'm nobody important... This takes all the pressure off me... And brings me back home...

Sometimes you have to destroy yourself in order to find the answers from within... Especially if you are imposed with a riddle you can't solve, and it's destroying the very fabric of your mind and sanity... Believe me, I never asked for it... But if life brings you to this you must know the passcode, to go through the portal... But until then, your sense of selfishness and self preservation will keep you in stone... Motionless and cold...

If someone or some people, condemn or punish you for being good natured, or carefree... The reprocutions are endless... They say in Wicca, that the punishment for this crime is 10 fold... Nature is powerful... Mother Nature is real... Hurting the innocent doesn't pay...

The funny thing about what's happening now in the World today, is that nobody knows what's going to happen... The die has been cast... Even the people pulling the strings don't even know... Because even when you're in a position of power... Every move is a crap shoot... Every move a gamble... See...


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